UrApp Pro

4.8 ( 7808 ratings )
الأدوات المساعدة
المطور: UriPhone.com
1.99 USD

UrApp not only provide latest, best price drop information. With UrApp, you can track any apps for price drop notification, share apps with your friends by sending push notification directly to your friends iOS device!

UrApp Pro is an ad-free version of FREE UrApp, try out UrApp for free. Youll love it :)

* Universal App

* Price Drop tracking:Track your favorite app. When it drop its price, UrApp will notify you to download immediatly.

* App Status:Most popular price drop, update, ranking information. Save your money to get paid apps for free by using UrApp.

* Share:Post app information to Facebook directly, or share with your friends by sending them push notification to their iOS device!

* Featured:If you missed our featured free apps. Dont worry, just track them and wait till UrApp notify you to download for free!

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* 支援 iPad 解析度,不須重複購買 HD 版本

* 降價追蹤:追蹤降價從未如此容易!只要在UrApp中搜尋你喜愛的App, 點選追蹤, 當他降價時UrApp會第一時間用推送通知通知您!(當然您也可以手動打開來看),

* App動態更新:最新的免費、降價、更新資訊等等,每個App都是由網友填寫介紹,精挑細選出來的好軟體。

* 分享:登入Facebook後不僅可以發佈App資訊到塗鴉牆,還可以直接推送通知,分享App資訊給好友,好友間分享App不再困難。

* 推薦:查看UrApp每日推薦的限時免費 App、美國最新排行,如果錯過了限時免費也別擔心,透過UrApp的追蹤功能追蹤它就能順利下載到免費好用App!

* 精選推送:如果您有開啟推送通知,就會收到我們挑選的好玩、好用App資訊,預設只會在周末推送,不會打擾到平常生活

* 降價標示:當有中文介紹App降價時,主畫面的UrApp圖示就會出現數字,讓你不再錯過任何下載優質App的機會。

E-Mail:[email protected]